Your life can’t change if you don’t change

Your life can’t change if you don’t change. We have to break the cycle of repetitive thoughts and actions, change our inside, in order to see a different result at the outside. If we think the same old unproductive and negative thoughts, how can there be change at the outside? We attract what we continuously think about, what we believe in, and feel for. So it is important to saturate our mind with the right thoughts and beliefs that are in alignment with our goals, with what we want to see manifested at the outside.
Try this for some time. Pick an area of your life like finances for example that you feel not happy about. Observe the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings you have about money and change them. Observe again, change again, until your mind starts automatically thinking the new thoughts. It takes repeated practice and time but it is possible to rewire your brain. It depends on how much effort and will persistence you put into it and what kind of money mindset blocks you entertain that can be released. Depending on your goal and the urgency you feel, you will take action, and change is inevitable.

Ma Udaysree is a Mindset & Money Coach, Artist, and Author who works with coaches, artists, and yogis to overcome money struggles so they can experience financial freedom, and create the life and business they want. Contact Ma Udaysree for a FREE 20 min Strategy Session.