Unveiling the Mysteries of St. Issa

In exploring the life and wisdom attributed to St. Issa, also known as Isha Nath or Jesus Christ, diverse perspectives emerge regarding the authenticity of historical accounts. While some view the gospel narratives with skepticism, others regard them as profound truths. Regrettably, definitive writings directly from St. Issa are absent in our records. However, insights into past events can be gleaned from the Akashic Records – ethereal archives that encapsulate every thought, action, and occurrence of individuals. Accessible to enlightened beings and evolved souls, these records offer glimpses into ancient truths.
Journey to India: Spiritual Encounters and Teachings
Levi Dowling’s Aquarian Gospel stands as a testament to this mystical exploration, derived from the Akashic Records and transcribed by his wife. Within its pages lie accounts of St. Issa’s sojourns in India, where he immersed himself in the teachings of Sanatana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism) and Buddhism for an extensive period. Notable researchers like Nikolas Notovitch and Swami Abhedananda have delved into historical evidence supporting St. Issa’s presence in India and Tibet before returning to fulfill his mission in modern-day Israel.
Miraculous Feats and Yogic Powers of St. Issa
The miraculous feats attributed to St. Issa, such as walking on water or multiplying food, find resonance in the yogic powers he purportedly acquired during his time in India – powers that transcend conventional understanding. Concepts like “Thine eye will be single” allude to spiritual enlightenment enabling one to perceive beyond mere physical sight into the depths of individuals and the cosmos itself.
Historical Evidence and Research on St. Issa’s Life
Personal experiences rooted in yogic practices reinforce the belief that St. Issa was a profound yogi honed through Indian spiritual traditions. Despite facing crucifixion, it is believed that he survived this ordeal under the guidance of his Master Nathan – an event laden with karmic implications not only for his assailants but also for the land itself.
Karmic Implications and Spiritual Evolution
The notion of multiple lifetimes leading to heightened consciousness suggests that St. Issa underwent numerous reincarnations before embarking on his spiritual odyssey. Complete dedication to a spiritual path entails relinquishing worldly desires and entrusting one’s well-being entirely to divine providence – a trust exemplified by St. Issa’s survival post-crucifixion and subsequent mission across different lands.
Enlightened Consciousness Beyond Mortal Constraints
Enlightened masters like St. Issa possess foresight into their destiny while transcending physical suffering through unwavering inner peace and unity with the Divine Beloved – an eternal bond unbroken by mortal constraints.
Personal Reflections: A Path from Churchianity to Hinduism
Beyond physical existence lies a realm where consciousness endures eternally; even after death, consciousness persists until enlightenment is attained through successive incarnations towards spiritual evolution.
Bridging Gospel Enigmas with Mystical Insights
This narrative stems from personal reflections shaped by a journey spanning Churchianity’s limitations to embracing Sanatana Hindu Dharma fully – bridging gaps between gospel enigmas and Hindu teachings for deeper comprehension of mystical truths hidden within sacred texts.
Author: Ma Udaysree – Founder Sacred Soul Prayers
Revised by: Ananda Ganesha – Divine Ancient Scribe & Blog Co-Writer