Love for Yoga as a Powerful Lifestyle to Manifest Superconsciousness
“Yoga is not just for physical fitness and mental peace alone, Yoga is for manifesting the state, space, powers, being, and superconsciousness of Paramashiva.” – SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga is a wholistic system for body, mind, and consciousness based in Hinduism. It is a sacred and scientific system to prepare […]
Video: The Secret to Padmasana for Seniors
Getting into padmasana can be a challenge at first but to take it even further, you can get into full padmasana without touching the legs. I recorded two videos, one while on my yoga mat and the other while seated on a chair. You can see the pose is easier on the mat but try […]
Yantras and Yantra Meditation: Tools for Liberation
He always talks about downloading. No, not from the internet on to your computer but from the akashic, cosmic records into your system. My guru can do it, I can’t. He says we can do if after enlightenment. Yes! I want to download all there is about yantras and yantra meditation, and share it with […]
Yantra Meditation to Gain Clarity in Life
Do You Sometimes Have a Hard Time Deciding What You Want? How often would we answer ‘yes’ to this question. Our mind is made up of samskaras, engraved memories, which block the free flow of energy to think clearly and make better decisions. The more samskaras we have, the more confused we are. Sometimes there […]
Yoga Carya Sutra: Yoga is Not Just Bending the Body
There is a lot of misconception about Yoga in the world and in particular the West. In the below video the Avatar HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, a true and powerful yogi of our time, explains why yoga is not just bending your body. Be in for a surprise.
Create Energy from the Sun
Awaken Body Intelligence to Create Energy from the Sun Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations is a series of 12 yoga poses performed in a flowing sequence or Vinyasa. This series is designed to access etheric energy that is all around us. Best performed facing the East in the first rays of the morning sun with […]
Is there a Yogic Aid to Digestion?
In general we can say sattvic food is easy to digest. For some people lentil and bean dishes may create a problem with gas. To avoid or minimize this, asafetida (hink) is added during the cooking process to aid in digestion. Another way is the yogic way. If you like the relaxing and calming way […]
The Bindu for Meditation
My art is about the bindu or dot. The bindu is the central focal point of a yantra like the Sri Yantra that is used for Sri Vidya Puja at Vedic temples. The bindu is created in black, perfect for meditation. It sucks the meditator right in like a black hole especially when the dot […]
Journey to the Source
The greatest adventure to be explored is the journey to the Source. Source is bliss, source is peace. Peace is freedom from the clutches of your mind. How does the Mind work? The mind creates pleasure and pain shafts connecting associated thoughts. Thoughts of joy and happiness create joyful, happy shafts. Thoughts of fear, anger […]
Finding Gratitude
How different would life be if we approached every day with more gratitude in our hearts? I believe contentment in our lives comes from being grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we are lacking or perceive we are lacking. The second Niyama, Santosha, asks us to find contentment, and experiencing gratitude is the […]