Sattvic Moong Dal Soup
I tried Rani’s Moong Dal Soup as a basis for a colorful creation. I added hink to make the dal easier to digest. As a veggie lover I added carrots, potato, and a tomato to the dal soup. To further enhance the flavor I added curry leaves and coriander leaves. It’s a delightful quick-cooking and […]
Your Brain Has Been Hijacked By Sugar
Are you a sugar addict or think you might be? The first thing you should know is it’s not your fault. Your brain is hardwired to crave sweet foods. Your body runs on sugar — glucose to be precise. Glucose fuels the cells that make up your body — including brain cells (neurons). Way back […]
Green Grape Smoothie Recipe to Help Improve Your Health
Grapes are one of the fruits that clean and heal the most as they clean the lymphatic system. Ayurveda recommends to fast on only grape juice once in a while. It strengthens the digestive fire and improves health. 1/2 avocado2 cups sweet green grapes1 cup spinachCoconut water or waterA little piece of ginger1/2 lemon juice […]
A True Comfort Food: Easy to Make Masala Chai Tea
A cup of chai or tea, cherished by many in India and the West alike. A true comfort ‘food’, nourishing, and easy to make with its many aromatic spices. 1 Tbsp black tea1 cup water2 cloves1 cardamomfew small cinnamon pieceslittle grated ginger1/2 cup almond milkhoney or jaggery to taste Boil black tea in water. Add […]
Shivani’s Quick and Easy Chai Tea
Surprise, surprise! Recently I was talking with my longtime friend Shivani. I asked her how she prepares a cup of Chai. I was expecting a secret mix of spices that she would use but no, she has a quick and easy way of preparing tasty Chai tea. Here is her recipe. Ingredients 1 teabag of […]
What is the Secret of Losing Weight on a Sattvic Diet?
Have you ever lost weight and regained it within a short period of time? The answer is likely ‘yes’. Eating sattvic food makes sure excess weight stays off. Here is my experience: I lost 25 lbs within a few months without ever thinking or intending to loose weight. It happened so naturally. Now after over one […]
Sesame Seeds Bliss Balls
After each early morning yoga session at my guru’s aadheenam (ashram and temple complex) we received a ‘reward’ of yummy Sesame Seeds Bliss Balls. Sesame seeds are beneficial to our health. They contain a wide range of minerals, vitamin B1, dietary fiber, sesamean, and sesamoline. Sesame balls help with cholesterol, high blood pressure, increases vitamin […]
Why is Sattvic Food Good For You?
Vegetarian food allows more sensitivity and ecstasy in the energy flow that happens in your system. We feel light and ecstatic with this diet. Definitely, vegetarian food is better for people who want to enter the spiritual path.” – “A further refinement of vegetarian food is dining on what is called as sattvic food. People […]
Sattvic Food – Not Revolution but Evolution
Sattvic food is not about ending animal cruelty, not about eating healthier, not about convincing you that sattvic food is the most beneficial diet on planet earth. No! Sattvic food is not a revolution of some sort but purely evolution. Someone who loves animal food we cannot convince to eat a sattvic diet. That person […]
How to Become Vegetarian
Someone recently asked me how one can best transition from eating meat to becoming a vegetarian. This is a beautiful question! High Energy Food I could answer this question in a logical way giving you many reasons but trying to convince you with reason will bring a result only for a limited time. Eventually it […]