Yantra Meditation to Gain Clarity in Life

Do You Sometimes Have a Hard Time Deciding What You Want? How often would we answer ‘yes’ to this question. Our mind is made up of samskaras, engraved memories, which block the free flow of energy to think clearly and make better decisions. The more samskaras we have, the more confused we are. Sometimes there […]

When is the Best Time to Get Up in the Morning?

Have you noticed that in the early hours of the morning there is a different energy? In the Vedic tradition we call the time before sunrise Brahma Muhurta. When you get up before sunrise or approximately between 4:30 am and 6:00 am you surprisingly feel more energetic and joyful which sets your mood and success for […]

Are you in Control of your Emotions?

Ha, ha, you might be laughing about this question and wish you were, right? Truth is whenever our body is moved by a particular emotion, that emotion gets settled inside our system. Jiddu Krishnamurthi, an enlightened Master from India, made a wonderful statement about emotions arising in the human body. He says beautifully, ‘If you […]

Yogic Healing of Childhood Trauma

Screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs, then crying and falling to the carpeted floor pounding it with the bare fists again and again, sobbing or silently retreating to a corner of the yoga studio looked like entering a nut house to the newbie and uninitiated. In 1988 I took my first hatha […]