Overcome Conditioning – Step into Your True Self!
Someone asked me: Why do we not naturally embody our best, highest, and true selves without effort? What internal elements prevent us from being the people we want to be? Great question! A bird that is used to stay in a cage does not fly out even when the cage door is open. This is […]
Be A Mouna Yogi Meditation
Be a mouna yogi, someone who has withdrawn from verbal communication, who has attained stillness within, no thoughts, no patterns, no conditioning, no beliefs that could possibly be of any disturbance to the peace of the mind. The more these are removed, more and more inner stillness spreads. Inner stillness, peace, shanta comes from practices […]
Competition and the 5th Chakra
Competition is comparison and jealousy which blocks the 5th chakra, the vishuddhi or throat chakra. This chakra when open is the creative energy for artists, writers, speakers, etc. When we feel not good enough, it again blocks the throat chakra. To not fall into the comparison/competition trap as taught by society related to negative emotions […]
Quick Note on Emotional Health
Emotional health is a must as it drives our every thought, behavior, and action. The good news is it can be changed with a little willingness to look at known and unknown pains of the past and gain the right understanding of how the past repeats itself in the future… unless we opt for freedom, […]
Return to Happiness
How can we return to happiness? In the ancient scriptures of India we read again and again that we are eternal, blissful consciousness having a human experience on this planet Earth. The Illusion of the Ego Mind In reality this ego-mind does not exist. After leaving the physical body only consciousness remains and after only […]
Sattvic Moong Dal Soup
I tried Rani’s Moong Dal Soup as a basis for a colorful creation. I added hink to make the dal easier to digest. As a veggie lover I added carrots, potato, and a tomato to the dal soup. To further enhance the flavor I added curry leaves and coriander leaves. It’s a delightful quick-cooking and […]
What is Truly Necessary? A Guide to Frugal Yogic Living or Aparigraha, Living with Minimal Things
By Ma Udaysree & Yogi LB What truly is necessary is very individual, cultural, and spiritual. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali we find aparigraha, living with minimal things. It’s not restricting yourself; to the contrary. Living with minimal things creates a great freedom in your life. Think about it for a moment. You practice […]
Aparigraha – Tips to Living a Minimal Lifestyle and Save!
By Ma Udaysree & Yogi LB I decided to live a minimal lifestyle as a yogi and explore how much I could save every month. I haven’t always been this way, and it’s taken years of simplifying and cutting back on little things, one at a time. And while there are definitely many more things […]
Your Brain Has Been Hijacked By Sugar
Are you a sugar addict or think you might be? The first thing you should know is it’s not your fault. Your brain is hardwired to crave sweet foods. Your body runs on sugar — glucose to be precise. Glucose fuels the cells that make up your body — including brain cells (neurons). Way back […]
Your life can’t change if you don’t change
Your life can’t change if you don’t change. We have to break the cycle of repetitive thoughts and actions, change our inside, in order to see a different result at the outside. If we think the same old unproductive and negative thoughts, how can there be change at the outside? We attract what we continuously […]