Understanding Advaita: The Essence of Non-Duality

Advaita, which means “non-duality,” is a profound philosophy that teaches us about the oneness of existence. At its core, Advaita emphasizes that what you experience as “you” is fundamentally the same essence experienced by everything that exists around you. This realization leads to a deep understanding that there is no separation between the self and […]

The Essence of Enlightened Beings

Enlightened beings are the living embodiments of divine consciousness, radiating peace, love, and wisdom effortlessly. Their presence on Earth is a beacon of hope and transformation for humanity, guiding us towards inner and outer peace. The significance of enlightened beings in our lives cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in elevating individual […]

Unveiling the Mysteries of St. Issa

In exploring the life and wisdom attributed to St. Issa, also known as Isha Nath or Jesus Christ, diverse perspectives emerge regarding the authenticity of historical accounts. While some view the gospel narratives with skepticism, others regard them as profound truths. Regrettably, definitive writings directly from St. Issa are absent in our records. However, insights […]

Blissful Beyond Happiness

Meditation is for You Why do you want to stay in a state of suffering if through meditation you can get out of it? Why do you want to experience the ups and downs in your moods (which are merely thoughts), if you can go beyond them through meditation? Who creates our positive and negative […]

Peaceful Inner Space

Many talk about peace, world peace. Few realize that global peace can only come through our own efforts to inner peace. Inner peace where no thought waves disturb us anymore; any agitation in our mind is violence. Peaceful beings at heart are not disturbed by any outer circumstances or people. In their presence other restless […]