Blissful Beyond Happiness

Meditation is for You
Why do you want to stay in a state of suffering if through meditation you can get out of it? Why do you want to experience the ups and downs in your moods (which are merely thoughts), if you can go beyond them through meditation?
Who creates our positive and negative thoughts? Isn’t it “I”, myself, my mind, who creates them? Who is in control of my mind? It’s me. You cannot control my mind, my thoughts. If I am influenced by your words or actions, then I allowed myself being influenced by them.
Bliss – Our True Nature
There is a state of eternal bliss within all of us, it is our true nature. Regain that state of pure bliss. It’s who we really are.
All our actions like going on vacation, watching TV, creating a piece of art, doing all kinds of things, have one underlying thought: reaching bliss; are just an attempt to regain that state of bliss.
If being blissful all the time beyond happiness is not a worthwhile goal to everyone, then what is…?