Books & Resources

“The Expanded View” by Laura A. Brusca invites readers to explore the vast potential of human perception and consciousness. Through a blend of personal anecdotes, philosophical reflections, and scientific insights, Laura challenges conventional thinking and encourages a more holistic understanding of reality. This enlightening work fosters a deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives and the interconnectedness of life, offering a transformative journey toward greater awareness.

Read an introduction to the book here.




The Art of Tea: Recipes & Rituals by the editors of Victoria Magazine

Cherished Ritual of Tea Shared by People the World over

A Social History of Tea by Jane Pettigrew and Bruce Richardson

Tea’s Influence on Commerce, Culture & Community

Teatime Scones by the editors of Teatime Magazine

A Commemorative Collection of Beloved Recipes

Tea Sommelier: A Step by Step Guide by Francois Xavier Delmas & Mathias Minet

A Fun and Simple Approach to Becoming a Tea Expert

Tea-spiration: Inspirational Words for Tea Lovers by Lu Ann Pannunzio

Slow Down and Savor Life’s Moments

Jane Pettigrew’s World of Tea: Discovering Producing Regions and their Teas

Explore their History, Terroir, variety of Cultivars, local Tea Cultures and Rituals…

Why We Love Tea by Gabriella Lombardi

A Tea Lover’s Guide to Tea Rituals, History, and Culture

The Way of Chai: Recipes for a Meaningful Life by Kevin Wilson

Kevin offers his famous chai recipes alongside meditations on a simple yet full life

London’s Afternoon Teas by Susan Cohen

A Guide to the Most Exquisite Tea Venues in London



Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda

To read its message of hope is to begin a great adventure

Bhagavad Gita Decoded by The SPH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

The ultimate sacred scripture of yoga, Yoga Shastra, and Sanatana Dharma

Awaken to Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos by Radavie Riom

Come to recognize and feel that you already are the peace and happiness you seek

White Fire by Mooji (Second Edition)

Spiritual Insights and Teachings of Advaita Master Mooji

The Ribhu Gita (Sixth Amsa Of Siva Rahasyam) by Saint Ribhu

Ramana Maharshi would often say that the recitation of the Ribhu Gita is as good as Samadhi

All is One by Swami Nirmalananda GiriA Commentary on Sri Vaiyai R. Subramanian’s Ellam Ondre

If you want moksha, read & practice the instructions in Ellam Ondre. Ramana Maharshi



The purpose of the Circle of Atonement has been to be a bridge into the profound and unparalleled wisdom of A Course in Miracles. Robert Perry & Emily Bennington clarify the Course’s sometimes difficult language in order to make possible a deeper understanding of its teachings and help students put those teachings into practice.

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