Overcome Conditioning – Step into Your True Self!

Someone asked me: Why do we not naturally embody our best, highest, and true selves without effort? What internal elements prevent us from being the people we want to be? Great question!
A bird that is used to stay in a cage does not fly out even when the cage door is open. This is conditioning. So also our souls can’t fly and expand as long as we are conditioned.
We can’t be our highest potential as we get conditioned by parents, teachers, society since early childhood. And trauma, sometimes still in the womb, does cause conditioning. Conditioning plays out in practically any of our negative emotions like fears, anger, low self-esteem, hatred, and worry. We need to let go of these negative emotions.
Uprooting Negative Emotions
There are techniques that go to the core of things to uproot conditioning and trauma. Once negative emotions are properly released, gradually we become happier, naturally, because at the core of our being we are that happiness, joy, bliss, peace, love that we look for at the outside but instead ONLY working on our conditioning will truly bring happiness. That’s how we are created, and that’s how cosmos, the creator, wants us to play out this drama or maya.
Why this Drama?
At times crushed so much emotionally that people want to commit suicide but that is not the solution. This drama is created so that we return to our source, to cosmos, the creator, God, your choice of word depending on your beliefs. So that we live a spiritual life as it is intended for us and are not running after money or material possessions, fame, outer love, power, whatever people feel is lacking in their lives. Its all divine play. In some scriptures it’s written, seek first the kingdom of god and all riches will be added to you. So true, saying from my personal experience. But most humans unfortunately get it wrong and seek the riches first, then the source of it if at all.
Learn to live by spiritual laws and you will be successful.
Contact Udaysree, your Spiritual Guide, to learn techniques to overcome conditioning.