Create Energy from the Sun

Awaken Body Intelligence to Create Energy from the Sun
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations is a series of 12 yoga poses performed in a flowing sequence or Vinyasa. This series is designed to access etheric energy that is all around us. Best performed facing the East in the first rays of the morning sun with proper breathing and mantras, it has an incomparable effect on the individual body, mind and spirit. When performing Surya Namaskar all body parts, every organ, system and chakra benefits from it. The Sun Salutations build strength and increase flexibility.
From Outer Sun to Inner Intelligence
12 mantras highlight the various aspects of the sun. Chant the mantras with full awareness before every repetition of Surya Namaskar. We will realize that the outer sun symbolizes the shining intelligence in our inner sky; we come to understand our connectivity to the cosmic energy that is all pervasive.
The Mantras – Salutations to the Different Aspects of the Sun
- Om hram mitraya namaha – salutations to the Friend of All
- Om hrim ravaye namaha – salutations to the Shining One
- Om hroom suryaya namaha – salutations to the One who induces Activity
- Om hraim bhanave namaha – salutations to the One who Illumines
- Om hraum khagaya namaha – salutations to the One who Moves Swiftly
- Om hraha pushne namaha – salutations to the Giver of Strength
- Om hram hiranya garbhaya namaha – salutations to the golden Cosmic Self
- Om hrim marichaya namaha – salutations to the Lord of Dawn
- Om hroom adityaya namaha – salutations to the Son of Aditi, the Infinite Cosmic Mother
- Om hraim savitre namaha – salutations to the Benevolent Mother
- Om hraum arkaya namaha – salutations to the One who is Praiseworthy
- Om hraha bhaskaraya namaha – salutations to the One who Leads to Enlightenment
Practice every morning 108 Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations to greet the sun and radiate bliss. Once you get the hang of it, it will take you only 45 minutes. Wishing you a glorious start for a blissful day!